Cracked Open: Johnny Messner’s Journey with Ayahuasca at Rythmia

Johnny Messner, the celebrated actor and producer, was once ensnared in the dark grips of addiction, hitting rock bottom at the age of 50. It was at this pivotal moment that his life took an extraordinary turn, one that would lead him to not only heal himself but also help countless others. His journey into the world of ayahuasca began at Rythmia, a life-changing retreat in Costa Rica.

“I was deep in addiction,” Johnny shares, “and it was my son’s mom who introduced me to Rythmia. I spent two weeks there, and during the second week, I had an intense experience with ayahuasca that cracked me wide open.” This profound encounter was just the beginning of his transformation.

For several years now, Johnny has been working at Rythmia, where he witnesses miraculous transformations. “I love it. It’s the best job in the world,” he says, reflecting on his role. “Seeing people arrive at their lowest and watching them connect with their soul  again is the most incredible thing to witness.”

Rythmia offers a unique environment for such profound experiences. Set in a five-star resort in Costa Rica, it is the only medically licensed facility for ayahuasca ceremonies. “It’s like doing medicine at the Four Seasons,” Johnny remarks. “We try to make the process as comfortable as possible while you discover who you truly are. The love and patience from the staff make it an incredibly safe and nurturing place.”

An ayahuasca experience, as Johnny explains, is about surrender. “You drink the medicine, lay down, and your only job is to poop and throw up,” he laughs, but then adds more seriously, “It’s about letting go and letting God. Whatever happens is healing.”

We discussed the challenges of surrendering during an ayahuasca journey. Johnny offers insight, “She knows everything about you. If you’re holding onto something, that’s part of your study. But eventually, she’ll get to the root.”

His personal journey has been ongoing. “I’ve probably drank over 150 times,” Johnny admits. “Your healing is tailor-made for you. It depends on the trauma you’ve accumulated and your willingness to face it. Sometimes, it takes longer to heal.”

Johnny equates the power of ayahuasca to intensive therapy, “One night of drinking ayahuasca can be like doing 10 years of therapy. She goes right to the root of the issue, bypassing all the distractions and stories we tell ourselves. Once it’s out, it’s gone forever.”

Reflecting on his role at Rythmia, Johnny says, “I’m a teacher and I do integration throughout the week. Coming to Rythmia, you’re supported beyond measure. I’m like the biggest cheerleader out there.”

For those hesitant about embarking on this journey, Johnny offers encouragement, “If you’re talking about ayahuasca, eventually you’re going to do it. It’s a calling. And when you arrive, you’ll realize the incredible honor it is to do this work.”

His final words resonate deeply, “Everything that happens to us is orchestrated for us. Nothing happens to us; it happens for us. Once you understand that, you unlock a superpower.”

Johnny Messner’s journey with ayahuasca is a testament to the transformative power of this ancient medicine. Through his work at Rythmia, he continues to guide others on their own paths of healing and self-discovery, embodying the very essence of the medicine he reveres.

To learn more about Rythmia, visit their website.