True Nature’s Cannabis Ceremonies Foster Self-Discovery and Balance in San Pancho, Mexico…or wherever you are in the world on a Tuesday.

In the heart of San Pancho, Mexico, True Nature is a sanctuary for those seeking a deeper connection with themselves and the world. Founded by the passionate duo, Mar Berdejo and Shane Kennedy, True Nature offers a journey into human development and consciousness expansion. Their mission is to provide safe, educational spaces for exploring plant medicines, fostering personal growth, and ultimately finding balance.

True Nature’s approach to healing is holistic and integrative. They emphasize preparation and trust, ensuring every participant feels safe and supported. Mar and Shane are not just guides but companions on this journey, helping participants navigate the often challenging path of self-discovery.

A standout practice at True Nature is their cannabis ceremonies. Unlike typical recreational use, these ceremonies are intentional, structured, and deeply mindful. Participants gather with a clear purpose, consume cannabis in a sacred manner, and engage in breathwork and somatic techniques to deepen their connection with their bodies.

“Cannabis ceremonies are about creating a new relationship with the plant,” explains Mar. “It’s not about getting high; it’s about being present with what’s alive in your body, connecting with your breath, and exploring your inner landscape.”

For those new to cannabis, the idea of participating in such a ceremony might seem daunting. However, Mar and Shane have created an environment that is both beginner-friendly and enriching for experienced users. They guide participants to start slowly, emphasizing presence and intention over intensity. The sessions involve breathwork and body scans, allowing individuals to control the depth of their experience while remaining fully aware and present.

Shane elaborates, “The breath really guides the journey. It’s a powerful tool that helps regulate the nervous system, promote relaxation, and integrate profound experiences into daily life.”

Integration is a key component of True Nature’s philosophy. The insights and revelations gained during the ceremonies are woven into the fabric of daily life, enhancing personal growth, relationships, and community involvement. This holistic approach ensures that the work done in these sacred spaces has a lasting, positive impact.

Safety is at the core of everything True Nature offers. Mar and Shane understand that true healing can only occur in an environment where participants feel secure and supported. This emphasis on safety allows individuals to open up, explore their experiences without fear, and fully embrace the transformative power of plant medicine.

True Nature also offers virtual cannabis meditation sessions every Tuesday at 6 p.m. PST, accessible to anyone with an internet connection. These sessions are donation-based, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder participation. The virtual format allows individuals to engage in this healing practice from the comfort and safety of their own homes, enhancing the sense of security and accessibility.

As Mar beautifully puts it, “We’re here to support people in finding what is true for them. We’re not here to teach or heal; we’re here to create a safe container where individuals can discover their authenticity and true nature.”

In the serene sanctuary of True Nature, Mar and Shane are not just healers; they are lantern bearers, illuminating the path for those ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and balance. Through their compassionate guidance and mindful practices, they help individuals connect with their inner wisdom, fostering a deeper sense of peace and well-being.

To learn more about True Nature and to sign-up for their virtual meditations, visit their website.