The Magic Fund: Transforming Communities, Protecting the Planet

In the depths of Colombia’s lush Putumayo region, an initiative is blossoming that promises to create a ripple of positive change across both local communities and the broader environment. The Magic Fund, a visionary project initiated in 2017, stands as a testament to what can be achieved when passionate individuals come together to preserve culture, nurture the environment, and offer critical health services.

The Magic Fund’s inception can be traced back to a group of dedicated students who were inspired by Taita Juanito, a revered indigenous healer and spiritual leader. Understanding the profound significance of their culture and the urgent need to address environmental degradation, these students envisioned a fund that could give back to their community and preserve its rich heritage.

The Magic Fund operates primarily within the indigenous Siona and Ingano tribes, located in Colombia’s Putumayo region. These communities are deeply rooted in their traditions and possess invaluable knowledge about medicinal plants that are at risk of extinction. Since its establishment, the fund has spearheaded several transformative projects aimed at restoring these plants and ensuring the tribes’ cultural survival.

One of the most remarkable achievements of the Magic Fund is the “Planting Magic” initiative. In 2023, the fund purchased 10 hectares of land and filled it with thousands of medicinal plants, many of which were either extinct or near extinction. This initiative is not only a step towards saving the Amazon but also a crucial move to preserve the ‘magic plants’ that are part of the indigenous communities’ heritage. “We steward the land to help conserve the language and culture,” Magic Fund’s Liz Bowles explained.

Another significant project of the Magic Fund is the health brigades, where they provide essential medical services to remote communities that otherwise have little to no access to healthcare. These mobile clinics offer a range of treatments, from botanical and tincture therapies to ozone and vitamin treatments, and even massage and nutrition advice. Taita Juanito plays a central role in these health brigades, engaging with tribal elders to ensure that the services meet the community’s specific needs. “It’s amazing, really,” Liz said, emphasizing the holistic and natural healing methods employed, which resonate deeply with the tribes’ traditional ways.

The fund has successfully conducted four health brigades, with the fifth one scheduled to focus specifically on women’s health. Understanding the unique health challenges faced by indigenous women, this upcoming brigade will provide botanicals, tinctures, and modern essentials like period underwear and moon cups, in partnership with Four Visions, ensuring that women’s health is given the attention it deserves.

The impact of the Magic Fund extends beyond healthcare and environmental conservation. In 2024, they plan to launch initiatives like the Ingano language school and a musical recovery project, which aim to revive and sustain the tribes’ language and musical traditions. “Witnessing the children learning their music and language, it’s beautiful,” Liz remarked.

The fund is based in the U.S., operating as a 501C3 non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible, and all the money raised is channeled directly to support projects that uplift the Putumayo region’s communities. Major projects are possible thanks to generous donors, including anonymous benefactors matching funds dollar for dollar.

Liz’s journey with the Magic Fund has been rewarding, filled with gradual accomplishments that build a more sustainable and culturally rich future for the tribes. “With the help of many beautiful donors, we’ve managed to accomplish so much,” she reflected. The community’s trust in Taita Juanito is profound, as he listens to their needs and helps shape projects that truly benefit them.

In a world where interconnected crises challenge us at every turn, the Magic Fund is a shining example of how collective effort and compassionate leadership can create profound, lasting change. As Liz aptly puts it, “We are here to really help preserve the land, conserve the language and culture, and ensure the well-being of the tribes.” The Magic Fund is not just about giving; it’s about sustaining life, culture, and the very lungs of our planet—the Amazon.

To learn more about the Magic Fund visit their website.