Embracing the Flow: Creativity as a Path to Authentic Living

At The Spiritual Concierge, we’re always seeking ways to explore the deeper connection between creativity and our everyday lives. In this thought-provoking conversation, our co-founder Kate MacDougall sits down with Jill McRae, an accomplished artist and branding consultant, to dive into her personal approach to creativity, authenticity, and the profound importance of staying true to yourself.

Known as the “brand mother” for her ability to help entrepreneurs align their personal stories with their business identities, Jill’s philosophy is a powerful blend of art, intuition, and soul. Her years of experience have given her a unique perspective on how creativity flows through each of us, in our work, in our homes, and in how we live every day. In this conversation, Jill shares her journey and offers heartfelt wisdom for those wanting to unlock their creative potential.

Creativity as a Spiritual Force: Feeling the Flow

Jill lights up when asked about the idea of creativity as a spiritual force. “Creativity is something bigger than me,” she says. “It’s a flow, and when I’m in it, time stops. It feels like something is moving through me.” There’s a joy in Jill’s voice as she describes those moments—whether she’s painting or writing—where she feels completely aligned, as if the universe is guiding her hand. This “flow” isn’t just reserved for professional artists or creators, though. Jill believes that we all experience it in different ways, and the key is to stay open.

She tells stories of great creatives like Leonardo da Vinci, who often described being ‘carried’ by the force of their work. Jill, too, feels this deep connection to something beyond herself, something sacred. But she’s quick to remind us that creativity isn’t just about making art—it’s about how we live our lives. Whether you’re cooking dinner, tending your garden, or setting up your workspace, creativity infuses every action with a sense of wonder and presence.

The takeaway here is powerful: Creativity is a gift that flows through us all, and the more we embrace it, the more alive we feel.

Getting Unstuck: The Freedom to Explore

When it comes to creative blocks, Jill’s sage advice is to let go of the pressure to produce perfection. “It’s not about makingsomething brilliant every time,” she says. “It’s about showing up, being present, and allowing yourself to explore without judgment.”

Jill recounts a poignant moment with her mother, an avid golfer who initially didn’t see the connection between her sport and creativity. But Jill helped her mother see that her unique perspective on the golf course was, in fact, a creative expression of how she moved through the world. This moment underscores Jill’s belief that creativity isn’t confined to traditional art forms—it’s about the energy and intention we bring to everything we do.

The key takeaway here? Release the need for perfection, and instead, embrace the joy of creative exploration. Creativity is the process, not the product.

Nurturing Creativity: Self-Care as Creative Fuel

For Jill, nurturing her creativity is deeply tied to nurturing herself. “If I don’t take care of myself—my body, my mind, my soul—I can’t tap into that creative flow,” she explains. Her morning routine, filled with rituals that ground her, serves as a foundation for everything she creates. From spending time in nature to surrounding herself with inspiring people, Jill understands that creativity flourishes when we create space for it.

She emphasizes the importance of tuning in to your own needs and refueling your inner well. This doesn’t just mean self-care in the conventional sense—it’s about finding moments of stillness, listening to your intuition, and giving yourself permission to slow down. To Jill, self-care is not an indulgence; it’s the foundation for sustained creativity. Honor your needs, and your creativity will follow.

Living Authentically: The Ultimate Creative Act

Perhaps the most profound aspect of Jill’s philosophy is her deep commitment to authenticity. “We live in a world where many of us wear masks,” she says. “One for our work, another for our personal life. But when we’re not living authentically, we feel disconnected, from ourselves and from our purpose.” Jill believes that creativity and authenticity go hand in hand, and that the more we align with who we truly are, the more our creative potential is unlocked.

In her branding work, Jill helped others discover this alignment—ensuring that their personal values and their brand identity resonate in harmony. “If you can’t live your brand,” she says, “then it’s not truly yours.” Authenticity, she argues, isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a way of life, and it’s the most powerful force behind any creative expression.

The Takeaway

Jill’s insights are a gentle reminder that creativity isn’t something reserved for a select few—it’s something we all have access to. Whether it’s through art, work, or everyday life, creativity is about showing up authentically, embracing the flow, and trusting the process. For those looking to reconnect with their creative spirit, Jill’s message is clear: Honor who you are, let go of perfection, and let creativity move through you.

Connect with Jill: jillmcrae.com and @jillmcrae