Julyet Berlen’s Journey as a Seasoned Practitioner of Plant Medicine

We recently sat down with Julyet Berlen, a seasoned practitioner of plant medicine, to delve into her journey of healing and her upcoming retreat in Costa Rica.

Berlen, a radiant embodiment of her spiritual journey, shared how she embarked on her healing path two decades ago. However, it wasn’t until seven years ago that she realized she was living a life scripted by her parents. It was then that she discovered the transformative power of plant medicine, particularly ayahuasca, in accessing her subconscious and rewriting her life’s blueprint.

“Plant medicine has allowed me to access my subconscious and create my own reality,” Berlen explained. “It’s about following my heart, dropping into it, and letting it guide me.”

Berlen’s dedication to her own healing led her to conceive La Vida, a project aimed at democratizing spirituality and plant medicine. “I want to give every human being on the planet the opportunity to access their subconscious and create their own life,” she emphasized.

To realize this vision, Berlen is hosting a retreat in Costa Rica from July 21st to 28th, 2024. The retreat promises an intimate experience, with only 40 participants, allowing for personalized guidance from her teacher, Taita Juanito.

“Taita Juanito is my brother, my life, my teacher,” Berlen expressed with reverence. “He’s been doing retreats for 15, 20 years, but I wanted to keep this one intimate so he can connect with each participant.”

The retreat will be held at Kinkara, a pristine location in southwest Costa Rica, chosen for its sacred energy and breathtaking surroundings. Berlen’s ultimate goal is to establish her own center, La Vida, where she plans to host larger retreats in the future.

But Berlen’s generosity doesn’t stop there. Moved by her own journey as a single parent, she’s offering a free trip to one single parent for each retreat. “I know firsthand the struggles of being a single parent and trying to afford such transformative experiences,” she shared. “I want to give back and provide the opportunity for others in similar situations.”

Through an application process on her website, La Vida, Berlen selects one deserving single parent for each retreat. Her long-term vision includes dedicating a week annually to hosting 40 single parents, free of charge.

As the interview concluded, Berlen’s warmth and passion shone through. She encouraged listeners to reach out with any questions and expressed her unwavering commitment to her mission.

Berlen’s journey serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating the profound transformation possible through plant medicine and the power of generosity in healing communities.

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